Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - Diagnosis Xray

The MS Consumer Advisory Group is a link between patients and the clinical staff at John Hunter Hospital. We bring the patients view to the table.

Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - member 1


Patient – Good in marketing
Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - member 2


PATIENT – representing the rural folk and good in communication
Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - member 3


PATIENT – Good in something
Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - member 5


PATIENT – Good in organising
Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - member 6


PATIENT – Good in all things design
Multiple Sclerosis Consumer Advisory Group Newcastle Hunter New England Health - member 4


PATIENT – good in something

Interested in being part of the MS Consumer Advisory Group and live in Newcastle, the Hunter or the Hunter New England Health area?